I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



My flower... and more

I�ve started to write this about a million times. 800,000 times prior to this last weekend, 200,000 times since� well, these last few hours.

Screw the explanations as to why it�s been so long since I�ve posted, etc, etc�

The 200,000 times I�ve attempted to write in the last few hours are all in an attempt to relate my experience this weekend with My flower. To sum up the experience, I�ll say this:

Lesser men would quickly surrender their own power in order to garner a kiss from rainy;

More powerful men would wage war in order to garner that same kiss;

I am so thankful that she has surrendered to me, so that I may take that kiss whenever I desire.

And what a kiss it is�

The other 800,000 times�

I still don�t feel like I should. Feel outright sick at times, and the other times I�m waiting to feel sick. A �real� doctor did a complete work-up on my blood and found the same as the urgent care doctor� nothing. However, the real doctor also ordered a chest x-ray� after all, I have smoked damn near forever and while I�ve now quit, it was the prudent thing to do. That decision caused some excitement, let me tell you.

The day after the x-ray, I get a call from the doctor�s office telling me that a �lesion� has been found, and a CAT scan needs to be scheduled ASAP.

Lesion? WTF? Aren�t you suppose to sit me down in the office and offer me tranquilizers before telling me that???

Anyway, to make a long story short, the x-ray people didn�t know I had major lung surgery back in 98. The CAT scan tech allowed me to see the pics they took, and the �lesion� turned out to be in the exact location where the prior surgery was, complete with 2 surgical clips (another WFT moment, albeit milder� they left metal in me???). So� the x-ray actually came back clean. We just took a hell of an anxiety-filled ride to find that out.

I hope all these physical issues I�m having don�t turn out to be me simply getting older. Sigh�

t85225 at 5:01 p.m.


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