I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



It's just me, kvetching

I've accepted that medicine is mostly art, supported by a bit of science to back up the art. I really have. Doesn't mean I like it...

They removed my port Friday, thinking that must be where this nasty staff infection I've managed to pick up (managed to pick up? Damn someone here at the hospital for not being as sanitary as they should be here... more than once I've had to insist (insist!) that an alcohol wipe be used for this or that... and I shouldn't have to DO that) was hiding, since repeated rounds of antibiotics have yet to result in negative blood cultures for it.

Well... The cultures are STILL positive after removing it. Sigh... art, gotta love it (hey Bobby Joe, if we replaced the alternator and the battery still won't charge, what do we replace next?).

So... Saturday I was fitted with a new IV to take the place of the lost port (Friday I used a VERY old IV and got by). It's now just after 3AM Monday and I just got a new one. OMG get my port put back in!

OK, enough kvetching for one evening. Thanks for listening.

t85225 at 3:20 a.m.


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