I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



was I snoring?


I've a bit to ramble about, and all I have to do it with is this phone and my thumbs... not exactly a conducive environment for saying what's on your mind.

As each day passes, I feel better. Or do I? I certainly look better, as that's the first thing that is mentioned. I must sound better too... the second thing I hear is how much stronger I sound.

But consider. For a full week now, I've been waited on hand and foot. Not a bad thing, I assure you! But, I also haven't had to cook... or go grocery shopping... or go to a Dr. Appointment, etc, etc. So... how much of this 'I feel great' is truly feeling better, and how much is simply appreciating my situation?

Smiles... Think I'll take a nap and contemplate these weighty issues. If I start snoring loudly... well hell people, let me snore!

t85225 at 3:51 p.m.


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