I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Fucking SPAM...

Well, I just can�t take the comment-spam any more. You probably don�t notice it� but I get a LOT of spam comments on older entries all the time. And it drives me nutz!

So� it was either turn off comments all together (which I�ve done in the past for short periods� I didn�t like it, and I don�t think you did either), OR� change the method of collecting comments. Which I�ve done as of � now.

Hopefully, this will do away with the spam.

Unfortunately, you no longer can see the older comments� it�s like they never existed. If you feel bad about your comments being gone� they aren�t. They are still there, just no longer visible to anyone other than me.

Sigh... I hate spam� in any flavor. That includes billboards, TV commercials, etc. I remember back in the day when I lived for a spell in Germany. All the commercials were grouped together and ran two or three times a day, for 30 minutes or so. 30 minutes of commercials� which you could chose to watch, or not. You weren�t FORCED to watch them in order to see the evening news, or the evening ball game.

Of course, with TV commercials for body wash� where NOTHING is left to the imagination� had me watching commercials on a pretty regular basis at first :p

OK, that was a short rant. Doesn�t happen too often (thank god ).

On a positive ending note� I�ve been in England for a week now� and haven�t experienced a real rain yet. I�ve even seen (omg�) 3 days of sunshine!

Surely, the apocalypse is virtually upon us. :)


And just for Mine... a larger font :)

t85225 at 4:33 a.m.


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