I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



ramble ... ramble ...

Where to start, where to start�

I�m a grandfather for the 1st time :) Wednesday evening, my daughter gave birth to Ethan, an 8 pound, 5 ounce boy! I was trying to wait until I got pictures before posting the news, but I�m tired of waiting for them � so � there ya go!

I�m hoping I get to go and see him sometime over the Christmas holiday. If not then, for sure one of the first weekends in January.

Lets see� ahhh�. Colleen.

Colleen is now �officially� my partner in crime, my lover, my slave. I say �officially� because we didn�t announce to anyone that it was heading this way� kept it all rather quiet... but over the course of the last few days have made the grand pronouncements to friends.

Looking back� I�ve been �in the lifestyle� for quite a few years. This is the first time I�ve ever offered anyone a collar (for those of you who are confused by the terms �slave� and �collar�� ask and I�ll provide some links concerning the lifestyle). Why did it take so long for me to do so? Well� think it was simply a matter of finding the right person. As with any other relationship, the right partner isn�t hanging from every branch of every tree you pass. It takes a lot of sorting out the acceptable from the unacceptable, then looking through all the acceptable to find that one that is JUST right. And� Colleen is it :)

Being here in England has made things a tad awkward, as far as daily life goes. For me to be able to spend any amount of time with her (online� sheesh, I�m not flying back every damn night!), I basically have to sleep from 7-8PM until 3-4 AM� a VERY strange schedule. But, it�s been working� mostly. My sleep pattern has been the shits, and when I had a day off like yesterday, I spent most of it catching up on sleep.

Lets see� what else. Oh!

I think I�ve mentioned here before that because of my travel schedule and it�s negative impact on any semblance of a social life, I�ve always been a active participant and proponent of online, or �cyber� communities. At one time, I did a paper for a social anthropology class about cyber communities. My views have progressed to the point that I now feel these types of cyber locals will logically turn into true communities that have no physical boundaries.

For the longest time, the cyber community that I�ve been most active in is on Yahoo. But recently, I�ve discovered a different kind of community (it�s not �new�, just new to me) called Second Life (www.secondlife.com). I�ll probably be writing more about SL later� it�s pretty damn cool.

Well, I�ve been writing this off and on for the last 2-3 hours while I sit here and baby-sit a client getting ready to go live on our software tomorrow. I suppose it�s time to crack the whip here if we ever want to get out before reporting time tomorrow morning.

t85225 at 5:23 a.m.


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