I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Lie to me ~Johnny Lang

A �I�ve quit smoking� update.

Huh? You don�t care?

LIE TO ME, ya bastards!

Oh� sorry� that kind of slipped out. Now I�m all embarrassed.

Anyway� it�s been 28 plus hours now, and I haven�t actually killed anyone yet! That, I think, is worthy of celebration. Buddy, got a light?

Heh� had you worried, didn�t I? Yeah, I know I did.

Besides, even if I didn�t actually have you worried� you�d be a fool to admit AGAIN that you don�t care. Because you know THIS time I�ll rip your damn fool head off.

I�m handling the stress well, don�t you think?

Film at 11!

t85225 at 6:31 p.m.


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