I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



A drama-free zone... damn it all!

OK, I�ve started back to writing� and now what?

I can feel the old compulsions (what else can I call them) to write returning to me. My mind wanders throughout the day, contemplating a subject (and appropriate title - you have NO idea how I fret about that, as evidenced by the fact that I've composed this post's title as I posted it). My fingers start to tap the steering wheel on the way home, practicing their landings on the keyboard. Workplace productivity is plummeting, driving skills are suffering (although you probably can�t tell� but I actually wander from lane to lane with even more abandon than before!).

After really thinking about the crap I used to write (OK, ok� I peeked� you didn�t expect me to remember all that, did you?)� it was mostly regurgitating the drama that I was experiencing at the time, or looking for (support / assurance� take your pick). I�m drama-free now� so what to write about?

Drama-free. I�ve heard so many proclaim that proudly. Revel in it. Hell, I even envied them at times.

I had NO idea that being drama-free had its drawbacks. Drama-free means you have NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT!!!

You never see this mentioned in any of the self-help articles. Dr Phil doesn�t mention it� nor does Tony Robbins or Deepak Chopra. WTF is it with this denial??? Drama-free isn�t all it�s cracked up to be, let me tell you! And we as a society need to face up to this fact, before it ruins what semblance of literacy we hang on to. I mean� what will we all write about when we are ALL �drama-free�???

Oh well� being the person I am, I�ll search and find the silver lining to this situation of not having anything to write about.

Maybe I�ll determine that the benefit is really just the fact that I won�t subject anyone to a rambling, nonsense diatribe like this :p

t85225 at 6:23 p.m.


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