I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Re-starting a missed habit... writing

Starting to feel like old times, but with an important twist.

Old times� I�m sitting at Starbucks at lunch, writing a journal entry. It�s been forever since I�ve done this, and on the way over here I tried to figure out why. And� I don�t have an answer. I suppose it�s a combination of things, which makes a �pat� answer rather difficult to formulate. And, I can throw a few off-the-cuff reasons out, but instead I�ll simply mull it over awhile and think it through.

Another instance of old times� self analysis (i.e. why haven�t I written in so long).

OK, all you arm-chair psychologists and experts on the human condition� I�m providing plenty of fodder (with scant little facts :p ) so have fun!

It seems like old times in yet another sense. It�s been a full month since I flew, and damn if it didn�t feel good to do that again. Showing up at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport this morning, jostling for a seat on the bus ferrying my fellow road warriors from the parking lot to the terminal, made me feel like I was truly back home.

Being true to my old form (I apparently haven�t missed a beat), I was asleep before the wheels left the ground :) Or is that simply a sign of severe sleep deprivation? Nah� I slept for 16 hours from Sat afternoon to Sun morning (really!), so I�ll just attribute the fact that I can sleep on a plane so quickly� and without drooling all over myself (an important fact!) to skill.

While I haven�t actually said anything in all this rambling� it feels good nonetheless.

t85225 at 12:16 p.m.


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