I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Hello old friend...

Once again, I find myself examining and contemplating just who I am, what my life consists of, and where it�s all headed. I�ve learned, over the last few years, to be comfortable with this exercise.

The thing that I�ve discovered already� I seem to have gotten away from the enjoyment I found in being alone. I think that this is because too much of anything isn�t good, and I was imagining that I was suffering from just that� too much time alone. I say �imagining� because when I really take a look at myself and my life as of late� I�m far from alone. I�ve developed a small circle of friends that are wonderful, and rather than exercise those friendships to give pause to the time alone� I simply became lonely and lost sight of the fact that I enjoy the solitude that I once so craved.

I think I need to re-introduce myself� to me.

t85225 at 7:56 a.m.


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