I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Saturday night and I'm doing journal entries...

Well, tonight I attended a play party at the local dungeon here in Phoenix. To say that I had a great time would be stretching it� but I did enjoy myself.

Mythy, a friend that has commented here often, is what made it enjoyable. What a cutie! :) And bless her heart, she stuck with me like a shadow at first, least I somehow feel uncomfortable. Which, of course I started feeling, with her babysitting me. The last thing I need is to be babysat, and I started to feel like an encumbrance. Then again� maybe she was hitting on me :p (a joke Mythy� calm down girl!)

All in all, an interesting evening. There was some public play going on� and I have learned that public play is NOT for me :p Now� I can see where, once playing, it�s like there isn�t another soul around. And they do have some absolutely great areas set up!!! But damn� my play culminates with orgasms. And somehow, I get the feeling that orgasms aren�t the norm there. At least I didn�t hear any (and didn�t see any gags being used, so that�s not the reason!).

On a completely different topic� I�ve got a Johari Window that I�d like to ask anyone that knows me (well, as much as you can know me by just reading my drivel) to complete. Follow this link to my Yahell 360 page, look at the latest blog entry, and in the 1st comment area is the link to follow. You do mine, I�ll do yours. Fair enough? (oh, and if anyone was curious� there�s a pic of me on my 360 page� just make sure your kids or older parents aren�t watching over your shoulder when you peek� the horror of seeing that can be quite overwhelming to fragile hearts!)

t85225 at 12:25 a.m.


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