I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Yes... I'm a Strabucks slut

For the first time in quite a long while, I�m sitting and looking at a blank page, and don�t have a clue as to what I�m about to write. Smiles� simply writing that sentence is a desperate plea to myself to fill the emptiness with� something!

It�s lunch time. I�ve escaped from the client site, and, with my notebook tucked under my arm, I head to Starbucks to sit, sip and satiate my desire to both write and observe.

I suppose now is as good a time as any to write about my seeming obsession with Starbucks. Maybe obsession is too strong a word, as I don�t think about it as I wake, nor as I fall to sleep. But, whenever something isn�t engrossing my interest, and I have more than 30 minutes to spare� Starbucks is a natural thought. So, maybe a compulsion rather than an obsession?

First� what kind of Starbucks slut am I? I�m a �venti coffee � no room� slut. Oh, and in the morning or late afternoon, a pastry item (in the morning - usually a bagel, 2 cream cheeses, or an almond bear claw - in the afternoon, maybe a chocolate chip cookie). And whenever possible, I sit outside� one day I�ll quit smoking (one way or another).

Now that you know exactly what flavor of Starbucks slut I am, here is an attempt to explain why (Hi� My name is T, and I�m a Starbucks slut �Hi T")

There are a few different levels on which Starbucks appeals to me:

Luxury � Starbucks does a damn fine marketing job at making their $2.00 cups of coffee feel like you are really splurging on something extravagent. The d�cor in the stores is just trendy enough to not feel like you�re surrounded by kitsch. The music at times challenges you to stop and listen to something you likely haven�t heard (much of) before. The staff is usually young, and even when not, always unique. So� who can�t afford to spend $2.00 as a luxury? It is MUCH more affordable than spending $75 per at a luxury restaurant. It provides me my �luxury� fix.

People watching � lets face it� the people I like, the ones I tend to gravitate to, also like Starbucks. They are either younger, or younger thinking. Even the seniors I�ve met have been cool (they certainly aren�t sitting at the local Center, waiting for either the noon meal or Bingo to start� and likely stay awake past 8:00 PM).

Good coffee � I don�t care what anyone says� the quality of the coffee alone is worth the price of admission. Now, I personally don�t think that quality is as pronounced in their �foo-foo� drinks� too many other ingredients diluting the actual coffee taste. But, when you put pure coffee in a cup and put it along side ANY other cup from wherever (including the other major coffee house chains)� it stands head and shoulders above the rest.

People watching � did I already mention that? One of the best aspects, actually. Worth mentioning again :p

So� that�s why I�m a Starbucks slut. And I�m not ashamed.

Wow� look where that blank page took me! I think I�ll finally sip this venti coffee (no room) and do some people watching. Hmmmm� she�s fairly hot�

P.S. Someone suggested that I write about my relationship with Starbucks� you know who you are� so here it is :)

t85225 at 7:58 p.m.


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