I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



I don't really write, I scribble

The girls that work at the client site I�m at finally asked me why I carry my laptop with me each day when I leave for lunch. I explained that I write. Write? About? Why do you do that?

I told them �it�s fun�. But after I left, I started thinking a bit more about that. Why do I write? A few reasons, I think.

It�s fun
The last post, about Starbucks, was fun to write. Even more fun was the Sedona travelogue piece. But, there are decidedly times when it isn�t done for the fun or joy of creating something that others may enjoy reading.

It�s a means for personal growth
There have been quite a few times I started writing about something going on in my life, and while I felt one way when I started, I ended up with a totally different mind set by the time I finished. Someone reading past entries will occasionally see this transformation still in what I�ve posted. More times than not, I either re-write the piece or don�t post it at all� so you�ll have to trust me that this happens.

Personal growth also happens very unexpectedly. Someone will comment on what I�ve said, either pro or against, or something in between. It gives me a chance to re-evaluate my thoughts or feelings about the subject.

It�s a means for socialization
I wrote the title for this paragraph� and then thought, that sounds pathetic! But bare with me� :p The personal growth mentioned above is an off-shoot of the socialization aspect. And this probably accounts for the fact that before posting here, I never wrote� or rarely did, anyway. I�m fresh out of a long marriage, and between time spent on family and work, never developed a network of friends. This is especially true in Phoenix, where I�ve been for only a year and a half. And, while I�m beginning to make friends in the local area, it�s still tough to make them as I�m rarely in town. This gives me a way to interact with others that are fairly adept at using an online medium to create and maintain a network of friends. Posting is pretty one-way communications, with only the comments as a response to what I�ve said� but it does lead to more interactive communications. People get a chance to know a bit about me when they read my posts, and if something piques their interests, we�ll exchange emails, phone calls, etc. And, with me traveling like I do and having the freedom of being single, it�s not beyond me to suggest meeting for coffee, (almost) no matter where they are.

I think there are a few other, smaller (or at least more esoteric) reasons I write, but I�m still mulling those over in my mind, so they won�t be listed here. If you really want to know� you can always ask (and I may, or may not answer :p ).

On a totally unrelated note�
My rental car has Sirius satellite radio, and while searching for a station, I happened across Howard Stern�s show. His channel, actually. A channel that broadcasts 24-7, with either Howard on the air, or one of his minions / prot�g�s. Now, I�ve never been a Stern fan, and at times have been vocal in my dislike of his antics� but there is something captivating about the concept that he is forging. Like the internet in its fledgling days, the private medium of satellite radio (i.e. not public� you have to �opt� in by paying a subscription fee) is possibly making history� totally uncensored entertainment. Well, not totally uncensored, as libel, slander and copyright laws still apply� but short of that, it appears that anything goes. While his show is still not something that appeals to my personal tastes, it is interesting none the less.

And another thing� a small rant
The client I�m visiting has had the US flag that hangs on their flag pole in the parking lot stolen twice in the last few weeks. I asked what they thought was up with that, and their working hypothesis is that homeless in the local area are stealing it to use as a blanket. I waited for them to say something like �so we started leaving blankets out for them� or something� but instead heard �so we keep ordering new flags�. Someone�s sense of priorities is really skewed.

Well, I wrote this at lunch (yes, at Starbucks :p ), but won�t get a chance to post it until after I land in Phoenix. Hope the �best if posted by� date doesn�t expire before I do!

P.S. A truck fire on the interstate was responsible for this �early� post� I�m still in Colorado, although I did manage to make it to the Denver Airport. It tool me 1:30 to travel 15 miles� and I missed my original flight. Sigh�

t85225 at 9:03 p.m.


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