I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Sedona travelogue

Sedona, AZ. Known for it�s natural beauty, and a �must� destination for those seeking inner peace, spiritual enlightenment and renewal, and the finer things in life.

Or so the brochure copy tells us.

I spent the day with Sean, my 15-going-on-22 year old son. When I picked him up Friday night for a rare dinner together, he floored me by saying �let�s do something tomorrow�. All day? Just us? I was in shock� Sean not only fit me into his Friday night schedule, but wanted to spend all of Saturday with me as well? I had to pinch myself, just to prove it was real.

Only to find out today, he�s grounded. I provided him with his only chance of getting out of the house this weekend. Sigh� I knew it was too good to be true!

But, I set out this morning, blissfully unaware of the �why� associated with the day. I was happy. And, ever since moving to Arizona, I haven�t had a chance to actually see any of it. What a perfect opportunity to spend some time with Sean AND see Sedona, about two and a half hour drive north. Ahh� my mind always working, I was foreseeing the long, deep conversations that always happen between Father and Son� when both are trapped in a vehicle traveling at 80 MPH for two plus hours.

Alas� it wasn�t QUITE like that, as evidenced by the picture of my intrepid travel companion below:

Thankfully, he didn�t drool all over himself.

Now, Sedona was nice. It was truly beautiful.

But� a haven for spirituality? For sure, there were droves of new-age women there, all seeking just the right piece of quartz in the many gift shops that line the little street that passes for a downtown area. But� sleuth that I am, I figured out the REAL draw for them. And they don�t even know!

It�s the abundance of natural phallic symbols that clutter the skyline. In any and every direction, phallic symbols. I�d notice gaggles of women, all standing and staring at them. Pointing, taking pictures. The gift shop walls were adorned with bad paintings of them. These women were drawn by the brochures promising spiritual awakening� and were suckered into wistfully wishing their husbands would renew their Viagra prescriptions.

Gigolo nirvana.

Next time Sean wants to �do something� for the day� I�ll ask �why�, then think the destination through a bit more thoroughly.

An observation while traveling� who would have thought that Prescott, AZ was such a happening place as to even identify their preferred kink on the highway signs?

t85225 at 8:20 p.m.


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