I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



oDd caPitaliZation

A friend I met here in the Diaryland hallway has made reference to the odd way I sometimes apply capitalization to pronouns. I�ve been doing that for so long, I didn�t realize how odd that must seem to those that aren�t familiar with it. So, since this pops up much more than I must realize (I usually try to not use it here), I�ll do my best to explain.

I am a participant in what I suppose could be called an �alternative� lifestyle (I simply refer to it as my lifestyle). Most have heard of BDSM� I adhere to a sub-set of BDSM called D/s, or Dominance and submission. In a nut shell, a D/s relationship (between two people� hetro, gay, lesbian or whatever) is one where roles within the relationship are very clearly defined. So much so, that One (the Dominant partner) is said to be �in control� of the submissive partner. Now this level of control varies widely from couple to couple. The most generalized form of control is sexual, but most also have at least some level of control in non-sexual situations as well. How that control manifests itself, either in a sexual or non-sexual context, is as varied as the people themselves.

Anyway, back to the capitalization. One of the long-established protocols within the D/s (and even within the BDSM) lifestyle is this odd use of pronoun capitalization when referring to either a Dominant, a submissive or Bboth. Yep� that was an example right there. �Bboth� in this case can refer to either a Dominant or a submissive, so the 1st letter is presented in both cases (upper and lower). This use of a double letter is often presented just as I did in the word Bboth above, but can also be presented as B/both (which I feel is more readable, but I personally get tired of reaching for the slash key :p ). When referring to Myself (since I identify as a Dominant) or another Dominant, I use upper case 1st letters for pronouns. When referring to a submissive, I use lower case 1st letters for pronouns.

So� when this journal veers into my D/s life, I tend to start using capitalization protocol without even realizing it. Smiles� think of it like dangling participles (which I�m sure I hang on a very frequent basis� if I knew what they were I would be certain) or the aggravating habit I have of using ellipsis all over the place. It�s something you, dear reader, must put up with.

As an after-thought� I keep a separate blog on Yahoo, one that deals mostly with the D/s aspect of my life. Well, it seems that Yahoo has hired a whole slew of people who do nothing but censor blogs for inappropriate content. So, I�m considering simply folding both (this journal and my blog) into this space. If I ever get around to doing that, and it offends some, my apologies in advance� you�ll just have to move to the journal next door :p

t85225 at 8:45 a.m.


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