I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



A long flight tonight

Flying east to west is the pits. You fly against the prevailing winds, so that is a 4.5 hour flight from Phoenix to Newark turns into a 5.5 hour flight back. When you�re 6�3� and have fairly broad shoulders (which just about hang over each arm rest), it�s hard to sit in these little seats that long.

A few things have been turning over in My mind lately�

I guess the one thing that has really been weighing on Me is the fact that someone who�s company I enjoy very much turns out to have a much more � what�s the phrase I�m looking for here� well defined view of what is right and wrong, morally speaking. Hmmm� that�s not quite right, as My views are also very well defined. How about� Oour views of morality issues differ. That�s actually what I�ve been mulling over.

her views of what is wrong morally seem to overlap with what I seem to think is just fine� hell, maybe even preferable (or at least fun). When these topics came up, I let her know that I saw the issues in a different light, and let her know that at least for Me, I didn�t see why the different views should necessarily prevent Uus from continuing to talk. But, this does have Me thinking about later (and yeah� of course I was thinking that there might be a later! This is Me we�re discussing). While I know at the moment, these differences of morality beliefs are not a show stopper� I can see where they would interfere with a �later�. As uncomfortable as it may be, I�m going to have to bring this up this weekend.

Another thing that I�ve been mulling over all week� and that�s the internal tug of war I�ve been having between how much I want to share in this journal. I see great journals and blogs that captivate you as soon as you start reading� but they don�t say much of anything about the person, really. Oh, they may talk about something their cat did, or their kids, or a neighbor. But they don�t reveal anything about themselves that the average acquaintance would know. And that�s fine� it still great reading, and maybe they are private. Or� normal? I tend to let it all hang out� and maybe that�s NOT normal. I do see journals and blogs that do the same. To be honest, those are the ones I tend to read the most. Its not like I�m trying to find out some secret they have� hell, I don�t even know them. But, there�s something about the exchange of those thoughts, feelings and emotions that provides an undeniable gratification. So... after thinking it over all week, I decided that, normal or abnormal, I�m going to continue to tell more than I hide. It�s most definitely therapeutic for Me to get it out into words on paper (so to speak � well, the background in Word is white!). And, there is just as much of a perverse pleasure in having others know Me, at the minutest level, as it is pleasurable to know someone else that well.

Enough for the moment, although I�ve still got just under 2 more hours to go before I get to Phoenix. For some reason, this ride is long tonight. I only managed to sleep for the 1st 30 minutes or so� maybe I�ll try again.

t85225 at 9:42 a.m.


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