I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Moving Home day...

Smiles� a quick, last post from My present digs, as this is moving day.

It�s a bittersweet move. To be honest, I probably wouldn�t have moved if not forced to by circumstances (yes, I created those circumstances :p ), and still would have rathered made the original, intended move... But now that I am, I wonder why I didn�t make up My mind to do this so much earlier? Lower expenses, more space, and closer to My son� it just makes sense on so many levels.

Its also a re-birth of sorts. I�ve always felt like I was in a more permanent hotel room here, and even just dropping a few things off at the new place, already feel like its �home�. I think a transition period, being �on My own� for the 1st time in over 15 years, was a good one. And with all the questionable choices I�ve managed to make since the divorce started� I feel I�ve made them with My chin held high, and have learned from each and every one. Can�t ask for much more than that, can you?

So� next post will be from home� finally. LOL, not sure when exactly that will be, still have to get access to the wireless system Sarim has set up. As long as he�s there, it will be no problem� We�ll see.

t85225 at 10:49 a.m.


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