I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Some take a holiday break... I take 'flu' breaks :p

It�s been the Week from Hell� and I return to the land of the living with such nice comments on My last post .

The week from hell� its probably been a year since I had so much as a headache worth mentioning, much less actually be really sick. Oh, but sick I was! I thought I had picked something up in Canada last week, as I had the starting of sniffles on the flight home. Maybe that is where I got it, I don�t know. But, upon returning to Phoenix yesterday, I immediately hear about some �super� bug that has swept through Phoenix and overloading urgent cares / emergency rooms / etc� so I don�t know where I picked it up at for sure. Not that it really matters. OMG, I was to the point that the only way I thought I could feel better was to die and start over :-p

So.. I muddled through working as best I could, and sleeping the rest of the time. Today is the 1st time since last weekend that I�ve even thought about writing.

Gentle readers� a message to you A/all:
- to Tthose that read because� well, because that voyeur in you is satisfied when you do. I�ll never hide Myself because someone doesn�t agree with Me, or thinks that My opinions are full of shit. LOL, they may very well be full of shit, but they ARE My opinions, and since this is My journal, would you be reading if I put someone else�s opinions in here? So, I think your voyeur fix is safe, at least for now.
- To Tthose that read because they are genuinely interested in how My journey of self-discovery is going. This is as therapeutic for Me as it is interesting to Yyou (although I find it a stretch to think that anyone actually finds this stuff interesting� except for you, dear d� who�s �morbid curiosity� shall eventually be the reason/cause for all that happens in your life ). So, I will continue to document My journey here, come hell or high water.
- To those that read because they wish to take issue with My words, opinions, etc. Ahhh� and I made you read though all this before I addressed you. Slightly sadistic, wouldn�t you say? And with that statement (i.e. sadistic), I have possibly given you something to really comment intelligently about. You see, it does absolutely no good to simply post a comment, dismissing My words as irrelevant (or worse, condemning Me personally) as you are not backing your comment with any valid argument. All that read your posts (including Myself, I suppose� although if you wanted to actually convey these thoughts to Me, you know My email address� have you considered why you use this forum instead of a more direct approach?) must be left to either 1) accept your words as true, as if handed down from some deity; or 2) dismiss your words as irrelevant, as they make extreme judgments without so much as a passing argument to support them. Think back to High School Debate club� even if you weren�t a member, the basics were covered in every English class curriculum that I�m aware of.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled journal�

t85225 at 2:48 p.m.


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