I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



To 'anonymous'...

A short note to My anonymous comment poster:

You Yyourself have provided thoughtful, insightful comments, and I am getting to the point where I truly look forward to them. A few thoughts�

1 � Yyou seem to have considerable free time. Your comments are usually left within an hour of My entry, and once within minutes. I�m jealous of that kind of freedom (if, in fact that is freedom� I can imagine a few scenarios where confinement would afford the same opportunity. I hope it�s the former and not the later).

2 � I�ve been curious as to who Yyou are, but until now have been able to simply read, enjoy, and reply with My own short comment. Now, after that last comment (which I enjoyed the most so far, as it is making Me consider My own views), I have to ask.. who are Yyou? And why do Yyou feel the need to remain anonymous? Talk to Me! While I�m sure you can figure it out without Me stating it� My email address is t_85225 @ yahoo.com

3 � Its odd talking with Ssomeone who I haven�t a clue about. Not that its bad� just an observation.

4 � I�ve enjoyed your comments to the point that I�d love to read something of Yyours that is longer than a sentence or two. Do you have a journal / writings of Yyour own I could read?

OK, enough of this �letter to a stranger� stuff. :)

t85225 at 3:13 p.m.


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