I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



A nap! My kingdom for a nap!

Its (yawn) 4:30 in the AM, and I�ve been standing in line here at the airport for almost a full 30 minutes. Little did I know that the ticket counter (there are no self-serve check-in kiosks here) doesn�t open until 4:45 AM. OMG, I could have slept for an additional 45 minutes!

It�s Thursday morning� what am I doing at an airport? Well� the only thing certain about my schedule is that it�s subject to change. And sometimes, quite often. Since Monday, it�s changed twice. While I was scheduled to be here in Little Rock through Saturday, I�m leaving this morning and heading for the sprawling metropolis of Xenia, OH. Please, please let it be calm there so I don�t loose all self-control and party all night.

You know how those all-night feed and grain stores can get wild�

I�ve read with interest the comments on my last post� and now realize just how much I missed my friends here. So, without further adieu� let me say to everyone that knowing you�re out there� and care enough to let me know, is much more than I deserve. And it�s appreciated more than I could ever manage to express.

And yes Mythy� by all means, lets do dinner one night. I�ll even drive up to you. Hell, I can�t wait to drive on Hwy 69 (I�ve even got a pic of the Interstate 17 exit sign).

I was talking with a friend the other night, who�s thoughts and writings I admire greatly. She lamented the fact that she hasn�t written much lately because she had nothing profound to say. I laughed, told her to write anyway� but thought about that afterwards.

I used to think that at times in the distant past, I wrote things that were profound. Or at least well thought out and clearly communicated (OK� I used complete sentences for the most part� that�s my version of profound). I wondered why I haven�t done that lately, and came to the startling conclusion that� I haven�t been thinking.

Now, I don�t mean to say that I haven�t been thinking at all� but I certainly haven�t been thinking about anything lately beyond the next 24 hours. My thoughts and actions were consumed with getting to the next 24 hours, in a sense. That left scant little time, energy or motivation to think about things I used to hold dear and feel were important.

It�s a bit better now� and getting better as each day passes. And it feels damn good.

I don�t have an internet connection at this airport, so will have to post this later. It�s all of 5:05 AM, and I need to ramble over to the security checkpoint. Until later�

t85225 at 8:46 a.m.


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