I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



The Tower of Baggage

A quick, meaningless entry (smirk). Found this sight in the Sacramento airport, which is apparently where ALL the lost airline baggage goes:

I was in shock� awe� when I first saw it, I was transfixed. Then, I smile crept across my face as I thought about the irony of such a sculpture, especially since it (and a companion) graced� no, dominated, the baggage claim area. Perhaps it was their way of saying �see, it COULD be worse�. And of course, it usually can.

I think I see one of my old bags in there. Very clever� but I couldn�t find the artist�s name anywhere. There was no plaque, no explanation� the towers of lost luggage were just there. It would be neat to have some sort of method for people to record their thoughts on these sculptures� I�m sure they evoke many, many different reactions.

And a quick, general observation� holy shit, Batman! Gas prices here are so damn high! The cheapest I�ve seen regular unleaded is $2.78 a gallon. Damn I�m glad I moved from California.

Perhaps later I�ll write something more meaningful�

t85225 at 1:49 p.m.


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