I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



At the airport... where else?

Yet another start at this one entry. I�m sitting in an airport, so maybe I�ll be inspired� or not.

I just returned from the local BDSM group�s monthly munch. The group (APEX � www.arizonapowerexchange.org) is quite active, but all I�ve managed to attend so far are the munches. To be honest, I�m a bit leery of attending the play parties. My experience is no where near what many other�s are, as far as technique� and I just don�t think I�m the �public play� kind of person. I incorporate BDSM play into my D/s lifestyle� but I�m more into the relationship aspect of D/s than the play side. I did manage to meet a few new people today, and was assured that there are those that attend the parties with the intent of socializing, not playing� so maybe I�ll make it my business to attend next weekend.

Speaking of playing� I�m going through severe withdrawal. I miss the physical aspect as well as the mental and emotional aspect (even more!). While I�ve been (trying to? working at?) cultivating a relationship with one, it�s long distance and that presents it�s own series of difficulties. Actually, I think I�m pretty good at long distance relationships, as I devote a lot of myself to whatever relationship I enter. The one I�ve been speaking with has so much going on in her life� family and professional, that it�s difficult for her to devote the time or energy to the relationship that I would normally expect. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for her, so I�m optimistic� but it�s left me so wanting more� especially lately when I�ve had things going on in my life (family and professional) that I would have liked to made the important topic, rather than someone else�s.

Damn� that sounded a bit selfish� but so be it. I guess I�m in a �brutal honesty� mood, and that�s really what I�m desiring at the moment� someone that will make me their priority. Sigh� I�ll be patient and wait. The last thing I want to do is be uncaring for her situation� and she is worth waiting for. I guess I just needed to say how I am feeling� and that is� it sucks to wait. (smirk)

I may write more later� I�ve still got another 2.5 hours before I board the plane, then a short hop to Lost Wages where I change planes. After about a 2 hour wait there, I�m off to Columbus OH where I land at 5:30 AM, drive to Dayton where I pick up a co-worker at the Dayton airport at 9 or 10 AM. Good thing I slept for 12 hours last night :p

t85225 at 5:57 p.m.


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