I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



A phone on steroids :)

It's snowing. Very beautiful, to be sure, but it's March for gods sake! Yesterday the temp hit 68... And today (this evening actually) the low is forecasted in the low 20s. I can do without the extremes and find beauty via some other method.

I've been busy as hell this week. I've neglected talking with many, and for that I feel bad... and ask their indulgence.

One good thing this week... I got my new phone... Wooohooo! In fact, I'm writing this enrty on it now... In Word... And will post it in a few moments. All while sitting here at (where else) Starbucks.

And with that pronouncement, I'll close and attempt it!

t85225 at 12:25 p.m.


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