I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



A good day...

So� more progress (?) on redecorating. I finally (finally!) got a suggestion, and to show my appreciation, I immediately incorporated it into the design. Of course, the suggestion was color-based, and I�ve since changed the background completely� possibly rendering the suggestion mute? Smiles� while I did ask for advice, I didn�t say I was very good at following it :p

Today has been a good one. The last 48 hours or so have been rather full of drama, which I am not used to� and not very good at handling. Stomach all in knots, questioning every word I think, speak, write� not how I want to experience life. I think most of that is now behind me, and while it may nip at my heels every now and then, today (and forward) is better.

I spoke with two friends last night, both with messages for me that I needed to hear. Both messages were quite different, but when put together, allows me to step back and look at things with a renewed sense of �self�. blondie, pepper� My sincere thanks to both of you for being a friend � everyone should be as lucky as I am to have not one, but two true friends to rely on to tell me the truth (as you see it :p ) and speak your mind. It�s a rare skill to be able to do that without judging. Hugs to you both.

And to my diaryland friends, who really don�t know me except via this vehicle for my rambling diatribes, a huge thanks for your words. To know that virtual strangers (or is that virtual friends?) will take the time to comment or pass on a word via email speaks volumes about each of your characters. Why isn�t the world filled with people like you?

K�The look here is kinda what I want.. so I think I�ll start dropping some of my writings in from my other blog (more D/s-based stuff). For the fans of the movie Secretary, that will probably be a welcome addition. To the rest of you� it�ll probably have you scratching your heads (and maybe even squirming uncomfortably at times). Smiles� life is good!

t85225 at 5:11 p.m.


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