I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Ground rules

As an exercise in writing, and as a way to basically have an outlet for My thoughts that don�t get expressed otherwise (which, at the moment are mostly frustrations� let hope that doesn�t become the basic flavor of this journal), I�m going to do My best to keep this journal going. I�ve tried it before and lost interest. I�ve blamed that on time constraints, but when I�m honest with Myself (and that�s the whole idea here, isn�t it?), the real reason was that it no longer served a purpose nor fulfilled a need. In short� it just wasn�t important to Me any longer.

Rant � I�m doing this in Word� and these green squiggly underlines are driving Me nuts!

I suppose I need to set some ground rules for this journal. I started doing this last night, but trashed the results. Why? I started writing, and realized that I was hedging what I wrote, knowing that others will / would eventually read it. When I realized that, I immediately thought that I needed to somehow write this as if no one would ever read it (partially true� I do need to document My thoughts and feelings that way), but that�s impossible. At least for Me. Maybe Oothers can do that, and I suspect that those journals / blogs / whatever that become very popular do so because the writer has mastered the art of writing as if only they are reading it� they are speaking to themselves. Sigh� I just can�t do that� so will quit frustrating Myself and simply write as I do. So� the ground rules are:
1. Writing � just do it. Be honest, don�t modify My thoughts and feeling just because Oothers may read it, but also don�t worry about writing as if no one else is watching, because of course they are. Just write.
2 � Reading � if you are a reader of this journal, take everything at face value. Don�t read into anything� it�s all spelled out for you. If something could have a deeper meaning and its only implied.. than that�s not what I meant, as I would have said that explicitly. If you don�t like what you are reading� then quit. If you want to leave a comment, then please do� but be respectful. I welcome criticisms, support, whatever you wish to say� as long as it�s respectful.

Wow, almost a full single-spaced page, and I haven�t said anything . You�ll get used to it.

t85225 at 4:39 p.m.


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