I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Self-discipline to write

Trying to cultivate the habit of writing every day, so here goes�

Work went pretty damn well today. Held 3 training sessions, with 2 people each, and by the time I finished the last one (which the client�s Project Manager sat in on), it sounded like I knew what the hell I was talking about. Always a good thing!

Had 2 friends catch Me in chat this evening� and the 1st question out of her mouth was �how is Yours?�. Damn.. I hate explaining this shit. It makes Me think about it, which I�m trying not to do. But, I suppose that�s to be expected. I don�t think many know it has even happened yet, as how often does someone read a profile of someone they think they know? I just don�t have it in Me to make a general announcement at this point� maybe later, I dunno. Maybe I�ll just let people find out in their own time, and let the D8 rumor mill handle the rest. Sure will be easier, if a bit uncomfortable.

The friends that I spoke to in chat� what a great couple. Makes Me jealous!

Ohoh� I almost started wallowing� bad T, bad T! :~p

Off to eat� I skipped b�fast, thinking I had My first class scheduled at 8AM� it wasn�t until 8:30. Then, the classes ran long, and I didn�t get a chance to grab lunch. I�m one hungry Dom!

t85225 at 5:55 p.m.


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