I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Guess who... and where!

But of course... I'm back in the hospital. This time, a pretty hefty bout of pnemonia has me temporarily out of commission.

All week I could sense something was going on. I had just enough energy early in the week to make me think I was simply imagining that something wasn't right. As the week progressed, I did my best to force myself into having a 'good day'. Needless to say... that didn't work.

So... here I am. I was admitted yesterday and have had all manner of antibiotics pumped into me, and it's working. I feel MUCH better already.

But I have to be honest... part of what's making me feel better is having someone else 'do' for me. Hell, they even do all my glucose testing and insulin injections for me. And cook for me. And keep track of what meds I need to take and when (although I do have to stay on top of that somewhat).

This pnemonia must have been brewing for awhile, so I'm hopeful that getting rid of this will go a long way toward making more days 'good' days.

Oh! The radiation / chemo appears to be working... really well! The huge mass on the back of my head is almost completely gone. A chest xray done yesterday shows that the original mass has shrunk considerably (but started really large, so don't go thinking its not still a force that has to be dealt with). After my next chemo, we'll do a scan of my thigh and see how effective all the treatments have been.


t85225 at 3:23 p.m.


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