I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



A crappy entry

Still in England, although outside of the accents that I still struggle to get past, and the different monetary units I have to deal with daily (at least in the taxis I take daily), I�d never know I was actually in a foreign country. My work schedule has been the shits� My first day off was the FIRST day without work or all-day travel in� 20 damn days. Shit, no wonder I�m tired. And what did I do on this day off? Did I venture out to either Edinburgh or York as I had planned? Nope� I staying in bed. And loved every minute of it.

I leave this Saturday to return home, and am there a full week (well, 6 days� close enough) without having to work unless I feel like it. Then, it�s back to England for a 3 week stint. I just learned that I�ll have company (a co-worker� a NEW co-worker� I think this will be the 1st customer site she�s at, and for sure the 1st customer go-live she�ll participate in), so that will be nice. Someone that I can complain to about the complete stupidity of the client to and get a meaningful �I know� can you believe?� response.

The next flight back� once the round trip is completed, will mark 100,000 miles flown by me on US Airways since March 1st. I was really looking forward to that milestone, as a 100K flier typically gets treated pretty damn well. I will get a free membership to their airport clubs (but will never use them unless I manage to quit smoking), I�ll get more upgrades to 1st class� etc, etc. But it has suddenly dawned on me� how sad. How sad that achieving 100K status is a highlight in my life. What 100K status really means is that I don�t spend any time in any one place� I don�t know neighbors, I don�t know the barkeeps name at the local watering hole, I don�t even know the barista�s names at the local Starbucks. It means that my mailbox is always overflowing when I manage to check it (the USP Store employees know me� I�m the guy with the smallest mailbox available and always have overflow behind the counter waiting for me). It means that I put 4500 miles per year on my truck, but rack up 300+ days of parking fees.

I can see this coming to an end after awhile. Really. I love my job, but at some point, I want a life. I want to be able to wake in the same bed for more than 4 nights in a row. I want to plan a night out more than 48 hours in advance. I want to know my neighbor�s names, and when their kids are set to graduate (or when they are scheduled to visit).

OK, that all needed to be said I guess. I had no idea I�d be writing all that when I sat down, but since it came leaping off my fingers without any thought on my part, I suppose it�s something that I�ve been thinking about, but not acknowledging.

Kind of a poopy entry� maybe the next one will be better :)

t85225 at 8:56 a.m.


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