I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Making time...

It�s amazing how much time life takes away from time to do other stuff� like cruise the internet, or post journal entries. I had forgotten :p

First, housekeeping items�

1 � I�m alive (which is obvious, as I posted this�eh?).
2 � I�m amazed that there are still people checking my journal, even though I haven�t posted in well over two weeks. Are you all masochists (continuing to peek in, when nothing ever changes)? And if so, why haven�t you let me know about that aspect of your personality??? (it would dovetail quite nicely with the small, yet well-defined sadistic streak I have)

Now, where the hell have I been�

Well, working for one thing. The places I been lately have had limited internet access, with only night time access assured. And to be frank, I spend most of the evenings either working, or on the phone with little one. At least up until last week (what? Do I hear a collective gasp?)

Last week the phone calls stopped cold. But, for a very good reason� little one was with me all week :) (ok, you can resume breathing�). My client for the week was located in Phoenix, and the visit coincided with the end of my lease on the room I rented� so� I enlisted little one�s help in moving a the end of the week. In return, I showed her a bit of Phoenix. Well, the freeways and desert, anyway :p Oh, and a few Starbucks too (imagine that!).

The move was a long one� 12 hours of driving with a fully-loaded pickup. All the way to little one�s house :) So... I�m no longer a Phoenix resident, and now living just north of Sacramento. And, since my client THIS week is just a bit south of Sacramento� we�re together all this week as well (and I�m home for the 2nd week in a row, albeit in different cities).

Life is good!

And busy!

And maybe� maybe� I�ll soon start to have time to write again.

One issue I�m already dealing with� little one�s oldest has her boyfriend �staying� with her. And at this point, I do mean �staying�� no rent, no help of any sort, just hanging out... all day / night. I don�t want to alienate her daughter, but once I start contributing to the household financially, and it then becomes part �mine�� that shit is going to stop. I�ve already spoken to said boyfriend, and let him know what to expect. Perhaps he�ll make it easy and either cough up 1/3 the rent, or simply stop �staying�.

Till next time�

t85225 at 12:55 p.m.


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