I desire your submission

you desire My Dominance

The rambling thoughts of T, a Dominant Man



Yup... insanity I tell ya

Rain was steadily falling for the first 24-hours in Newark. My hotel and work location are right across from the airport, and it�s a heavily industrial area. I could see the rain fighting to wash away the grime that pervades all the surfaces here� and I�m sad to report, the grime won. Welcome to the industrial North East, I suppose.

I�ve been doing a fair amount of posting on My Yahoo blog, which mainly concerns My thoughts and feelings about the D/s lifestyle, and My experiences within it. Somehow, I�ve got to figure out a way to divide My time between writing in these two areas (the Yahoo blog and this journal). When I write in one, I feel like I�m neglecting the other. I don�t want to combine the two, as they are quite different. This is more about what�s happening with the �Me� inside...

This week, while only Tuesday, has been hectic to say the least. I�m on site with two other colleagues, and we are preparing the plant to �go-live� on our software next Monday morning. That means� this week is full of last minute training sessions, and getting all the data crammed into the system before we pull the plug on their current software system Sunday evening. It also means working throughout the weekend, getting every last customer order entered, and getting every scrap of inventory entered (after we do a complete physical inventory of product on the plant floor� no small feat!). The customer has taken our standard warnings a little to much to heart� they bought sleeping bags in case some employees don�t have time to make it home at night and return in time to resume on schedule. My hotel is 500 yards away� I�m not spending the night� hope they aren�t offended :p

Why do I write about all this here? Well, at the moment, this is the one thing that is consuming My life� this go-live. And I have another plant scheduled for go-live just a short 6 weeks away. Ain�t life grand?

Reading up, I now realize this couldn�t get any more boring� unless, of course, I continue to write. So, just to show how much I care about the people who may read this� I stop the insanity and qui

t85225 at 8:04 p.m.


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